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Meet Saffy

“Hi, my name is Saffy. I'm looking for a home where I can be close to my family and have lots of outlets for my active mind"

black labrador standing on platform near fence
black labrador standing on platform near fence


Location: Kensington, VIC

Age: 12 months

Breed: Labrador X Golden Retriever

Sex: Female- desexed

Lived with kids aged 5-12: No

Lived with cats: No

Lived with dogs: No

Special requirements?:

Home behaviour: Good

Adoption fee: $3000

About Saffy

Saffy is a sweet and playful dog who loves being close to her people. She sleeps comfortably in her crate overnight and enjoys walks in a body harness, though she may be a bit hesitant at first.
Saffy is known for her playful personality and her love of cuddles and tummy rubs. However, she does have a few quirks—she tends to jump on furniture, engage in alert barking, and chew on inappropriate items if left unsupervised. Saffy follows her carer around the house and prefers not to be alone when someone is home.
She may bark at unknown visitors, such as couriers or the postman, but her loyalty and affection make her a wonderful companion.

Where I grew up

Saffy grew up in a relaxed suburban home with a couple in a double-storey house. The household was mostly consistent in its routine, providing a calm and secure environment for her.

A good fit for me is...

Saffy would thrive in a home where she can be close to her family members. She’s perfect for someone who enjoys a relaxed lifestyle and can provide her with plenty of companionship.
Saffy needs an owner who can manage her FOMO (fear of missing out) and provide her with plenty of mental and physical stimulation to prevent undesirable behaviors like inappropriate chewing and alert barking.
Saffy was always great with small children and very gentle with babies, curious and always uses that amazing nose to sense out her surroundings.
Saffy would suit a home with or without pets.

My personality traits

Quick Learner: Saffy picks up new commands and routines quickly, making her a joy to train.

Alert & Attentive: She’s not easily distracted and is always aware of her surroundings.

Loyal & Affectionate: Saffy loves to be close to her people and enjoys cuddles and tummy rubs.

Saffy doesn’t like being left alone if someone is in the house, except at bedtime when she happily settles in her crate.

She has a tendency to chew on hard objects like plastic toys and thick tree branches, so supervision and appropriate chew toys are essential.

Saffy may jump when she’s excited, so she’ll need guidance to manage this behavior.

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